7th international seminar

Activity Areas

The Center was established to address the housing phenomenon in a multi-dimensional manner, ensuring the widespread use of the knowledge on housing in our university on a national scale, developing and transferring this knowledge to the field of application in the interaction of public and private sectors, and thus realizing the unity of research, design, education, and application.

The activity areas:

  • To research and make research, analyses and development on multidisciplinary, theoretical, and practical areas within the scope of the housing problem; to participate in such studies
  • To cooperate with national and international organizations on housing, to organize courses, seminars, conferences, congresses, and similar meetings for practitioners and academicians working in the public and private sectors
  • To carry out research, examination, project, consultancy, and similar works related to the problems of the public and private sector in the field of housing, to plan scientific reports and similar technical studies, to organize and issue documents
  • To conduct all kinds of internal and external correspondence within the framework of general procedures for the conduct of scientific and technical activities on related subjects, to publish reports, bulletins, projects, books, journals, and similar publications explaining scientific and technical data
  • To carry out other studies to be assigned by the authorized bodies of our university within its fields of activities